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Party A:
Party B: Jiangxi Times Translation Co., Ltd.
    Through friendly negotiation and consultation based on the principle of mutual benefit, for the translation materials commissioned by Party A, both Party A and Party B have entered into the following agreement:
    1.Party A commissions Party B to do the translation work on relevant
    2. according to the actual Chinese characters and marks calculated by computer ( Chinese Version Word “Chinese characters not including blank spaces ”)
    3. Based on long-term preferential price ( RMB yuan per thousand characters) (from to ).
    4.Delivery: To be determined by both Parties through friendly consultation according to the actual volume required for translation and based on customer's demands , as follows: (month). , (year).
    5.Upon delivery of translated materials by Party B to Party A on time, Party A shall pay to Party B the translation fee in full, according to the regulated price mentioned above.
    6.Party B shall be required to complete the translation work commissioned by Party A on time with good quality.
    7.If party A cancels the translation work, then Party A shall pay Party B translation free of the finished part for the translation work.
    8.Party B shall take every measure in precaution to ensure that the documents belonging to Party A shall not be lost or revealed. Party B shall keep confidentiality on all materials commissioned by Party A, and these shall not be revealed to the Third party other than Party.
    9.This agreement, in duplicate, shall take effect upon being signed and sealed by both parties. Each party shall hold one set.
     Party A: (sealed)                   Party B: (sealed)

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